Surely we are done with the
elections for this tenure and term but then there are certain things to learn
about it. Different battles at different places ranging from physical to social
media, debate of all sort, interviews, town hall meetings etc were few among
ways of creating attention from our politicians and their godfathers, of a
truth, it worked. Much more to this is the fact that social media, the medium
of expression for the young ones, became active and if not the best avenue to
reach out to the populace, thus emergence of millionaires from this on the part
of the young ones.
Be that as it may, social media
still had its flaw. It, social media was employed to indoctrinate certain beliefs
into people and as a result of consistency on the part of this guru, social
media guru, people became familiar with politicians theory and statements and
thus stop seeing with their eyes but that of politicians. With this, it became
difficult for the electorate to make their decisions based on their experience
but to hang it on the parties a personality is coming from and those who are
standing behind such an individual – godfather, hmmmm, what an act of indecisive
decision. With the just concluded gubernatorial election, taking Lagos state as
a case study, one can see the power of media, money and influence and for that,
5 months ago 'bad' became today's 'saint' with the statement of voluntary
resignation as against that of suspension/dismissal that we heard of then
coming from his environment. An investor and a somehow medial personnel that
some believed happens to be the best of the two lost as a result of his environment,
not because of his personality. It was such a pity to have heard a graduate
that told me then that he choose to vote for the person he voted for simply
because he is a card carrying member of a particular party... what a shame on
the part of the Future here.
Election is gone now, all things
back to normalcy, now time for our elect to go to their drawing board and make
a finish and beautiful continuation of their programmes. This is not the time
to pay back the tunes but a time to look at the populace who even in their innocence,
took out their precious time to queue in the rain, stood in the sun, all to
contribute their duty and ensure your (politicians) victory. In all, to the politicians, let’s
remember that to whom much is given, much is expected. Welcome to a new dawn
Power according to the definition we are familiar with is the ability to cause things to happen or the state of bringing into an existence what was not. Truthfully speaking, I agree with this definition and not just that but also subscribe to it. Personally, first thing to know that is so crucial about power is that power flows with the perception people have towards it. For example, when a huge man, with muscle display all over his body stands beside a slim man (not with too much muscle), such a huge man may be seen as a powerful man compare to the slim man. In the same vein, a man may be perceived to be powerful if he/she seems deep in the religion such an individual
belongs to. Thus it is important for us to know that power reside everywhere but most importantly, power exist where we feel it exist.
With this in mind, it shouldnt be diffcult for us to know why some people in our society seem to be powerful and dominating in our land. These people know that for you to be seen as powerful, one needs to create himself in a God-like manner to those he/she wishes to lead. Thus, they take hold of the simple minds and ride on them. Sadly, the seemingly 'vibrated minds' seem to be seen in the company of the simple minds, may be due to the lack in the land, they forget to tap into the waiting power lying inside of them.
Power will never be seen in he lifes of the weak but the bold. So if truly we want to move up high and soar higher, we need to deal with our weakness and concentrate more on our strenght. The likes of Alinko Dangote, Oprah Winfrey, Bill Gate, Warren Buffet, Barrack Obama, Bola Tinubu, Ussain Bolt, Mercy, Ronaldo e.t.c would have been in their closet with no form of popularity should they focused on their weakness and leave their strenght. Before concluding, a word of advice: it will never be completely all right until you step into your situation by yourself! As funny as it may seem to sound, make no mistake, the wind of change slogan going on in this land at present is not going to give any form of change to anybody on the platter of gold. The change will only appear when we brace up ourselves for the challenges ahead of us. Just like someone once said 'people missed their opportunity because they see it and yet recognise it not'. Opportunity appears in overall with spanners in its hand, so learn to know it whenever it comes around you.
On the note of conclusion, a quick look at this illustration; three men stood in a house one day. The first one is a hunter with a gun on his hand, the second man, the richest in the whole community while third one is the king. Of these three men, who do we call the powerful one? The hunter may seem to be the poorest among the three but in his hand is a gun which can send the last two men out of this world in a matter of seconds. The second man who happens to be the richest in his community also is powerful as he can decide to buy everything that belong to both the king and the hunter at the same time without any form of tear in his pocket. Then the king, the commander of the territory in his juridiction who can give just only a command and the the hunter along with the rich man cease to be. With this illustration in our mind, let's ask the question again, where lies the power?
The power of expressions more than ever before may be diffcult to silence, this is because there is little or nothing that can hinder the determine mind. Thus when a man in a place of authority tries to obstruct justice from taking its course, the Learned in such a place have a way of 'voicing' their voices out.
We woke up couple of days ago to hear that our preparations all this while means nothing anymore and that we should we fix our mind on another date - a month plus after! While some of the reasons given may seem cogent, it is also important of us to ask ourselves why they have to wait as long as this to finally reveal their intention. To take a critical look at it, let's make use of soccer game as our example. Soccer game, as known to those who love it, is that game that requires constant training, rigorous excercise on a daily bases - to keep fit and lastly,
Just like all other legal avenue to make wealth, it requires an absolute commitment and a total focus. Nigeria, a former giant in African football - to me, lost her way in the last year world cup held by the soccer giant country - Brazil. The reason for this failure is not far fetched; while other were busy preparing, Nigeria, my beloved country, was busy 'playing'. The result, ofcos, is not a palatable one.
For anybody, irrespective of his/her class to think of applying a 'fire bridgage approach' to what should be properly looked at, will amount to nothing but an effort in futility. Be that as it may on the part of the Leaders, the Led also have their roles to play. It is pertinent for the Led to know that much more than any other one, the onus is on him/her. This is not the time to trade words but rather, a time to sit down and strategize on how to move our dear country forward and see to her greatness. Being apolotical at such a time like this wont help us, remember making a no choice in itself is making a choice. If you by in anyway feel we are being presented with 'two evils' as some people have been saying, then you may have to look beyond the 'two evils' but left to me, I see no evil in any one but change - a change which is not associated with any political ideology on this land but of a personal conviction.
On a parting note here today, it is important for us to know that nobody from outside can and will make our country for us but us. Thus if you are yet to get your PVC just like me, try and make sure you get it. If they, INEC official, refuse to come to your PU, just like in my case, go to its, INEC, website and check your status. Dont stop there, make your voice heard via their social media platform. Always bear it mind that the greatness of this land lies in our hand.
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